What goals did you set at the start of this year? Have you accomplished them? Personal development legend Jim Rohn says it's ok if you haven't yet achieved your goals. The more important question to ask is if you've started.
“The real value in setting goals is not in their achievement. The acquisition of the things you want is strictly secondary. The major reason for setting goals is to compel you to become the person it takes to achieve them,” Rohn says. Say you want to be a millionaire. The greatest value to becoming one is actually not the million dollars. (Seriously!) “The greatest value is in the skills, knowledge, discipline and leadership qualities you’ll develop in reaching that elevated status,” Rohn says.
Answer this question: What kind of person will you have to become to get all you want? Write down the kinds of skills you’ll need to develop and the knowledge you’ll need to gain. Your answers might give you some new goals for your personal development. Work on your goals. Your ability will grow to match your dreams. “This is the magic of goal setting. The more you work on your goals, the more new opportunities will present themselves to you,” Rohn says.
You can make big changes in your life. “You can make startling changes you can’t even conceive of right now, if you just give yourself half a chance.”

The letters of your birth name and the digits in your
birthdate to calculate your personal numbers. Your sample reading will analyze
and explore your life path based on the date of your birth. We’ll numerically
express your birth name to reveal your expression number. Your Expression
Number is used to describe your potential natural talents and abilities and how
to best take advantage of what comes natually to you. And finally, your sample
reading will reveal your “Souls Urge” also known as “Your hearts Desire”. The
Souls Urge refers to What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life and
the obstacles you’ll need to overcome to achieve your dream.
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