Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
The unconscious mind practically obliged her to continue Jung's dangerous research in the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation, so that she could discover the wild side of the human conscience that provokes all mental illnesses residing in the human side of our conscience.
This amazing break through discovery for curing mental illness through dream interpretation has helped her save many people from despair in the 19 years that she practices dream therapy.
I had the intention to publish my first scientific book in the end of 1988 or in the beginning of 1989, but exactly then, the divine unconscious mind showed me that I had to fight craziness. I discovered that the biggest part of the human brain belongs to our anti-conscience, which has satanic characteristics and generates mental illnesses within our conscience.
My anti-conscience had already destroyed a big portion of my conscience. I had to show resistance to its attacks to preserve my sanity.
I was obliged to change my plans and study a lot more before being able to finally publish my first scientific book because my discoveries demanded more studies and more solutions.
I have already given you many explanations in my articles, since 2007. You are able to scientifically understand that we are demons because the biggest part of our brain belongs to our wild conscience and we have only a tiny human conscience.
After all my explanations you are not shocked with the truth. Today (2012) you can logically understand that we have inherited a primitive conscience, which became satanic because it is the result of the disorganized formation of the first live conscience before God's existence.
God could differentiate Himself from this evil content after discovering the power of goodness. This is why God sends us messages in dreams.
Thanks to my lessons you also know that no matter how absurd and evil you may be, you can be transformed and saved by obeying God's guidance in dreams. It's not your fault to be a descendant of a demoniac creature. This is an inherited content because you can think.
Therefore, today you can accept the fact that you are basically a demon without revolt.
This acceptance is very important because God needs your cooperation in order to transform your wild conscience into a wise conscience, by eliminating the absurdity existent in your brain. Your absurdity cannot be automatically eliminated by God because consciousness is a process that depends on your participation.
Your conscience must understand many things it ignores thanks to your collaboration. You must help God eliminate your satanic nature by being an obedient patient and student.
The satanic origin of the human conscience is a tragic truth, but the fact that I could discover the bitter truth because I obeyed the divine guidance means that now we can stop living in an unbearable hell. Now we know how to put an end to craziness and terror and find peace.
Now we know that there is a psychotherapeutical treatment that works for everyone and is totally free: the dream messages. Everyone has dreams with important messages sent by God. Everyone can understand these messages and solve all problems, without facing tragedies.
Those who become mentally ill are victims of tragedies, and generate tragedies. They are then imprisoned in asylums or in prisons.
This is a barbarous crime against the victims of their anti-conscience's craziness.
The anti-conscience generates tragedies in our lives with the intention to generate a mental illness and control our behaviour. The victims of tragedies have a violent behaviour because their human conscience was destroyed. They must have the chance to recuperate their human conscience through dream therapy.
They cannot be considered guilty because they were controlled by the primitive side of their conscience when they committed crimes. They were not responsible for their actions because they lost their conscience. The primitive demon they came from acted in the place of their ego.
The anti-conscience pretends to be a human being. However, it is a demon that takes the place of the individual, after destroying his or her human conscience. This is an invisible process for those who observe this individual from outside.
The anti-conscience imitates the behaviour of our human conscience in the beginning, trying to be accepted by the criticism of our conscience. Then, it sends us more absurd thoughts, which seem to be logical and helpful, but are based on a false logic. These ideas will surely destroy our lives and our human conscience.
Their inoffensive appearance is a sneaky trick used by the anti-conscience to mislead our ignorant conscience. Even ideas that seem to be based on goodness are in fact absurd because they are based on false goodness. The anti-conscience can easily mislead our conscience because we are superficial and we don't criticise our thoughts.
Through dream translation you'll learn how to discern the absurd thoughts sent to your conscience by your anti-conscience. You'll learn how to eliminate your worst enemy by transforming your anti-conscience into a positive component of your human conscience.
You have to understand the importance of your psychotherapy in order to save your sanity, and in order to help God stop having to deal with terror. God suffers because we are demons.
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