People who fail in life are most of the time those who have no definite goals and does not really know what they want in life. An ordered life is one of the most assured methods of self-improvement and the way to success. The saying “tidy desk - tidy mind” is also certainly true but only a small part of it. It is important that you order your life in such a manner that allows you to do everything you need to, when you need to do it. You should also be able to effectively ensure that you become happier and more content as well as progress with your career, make new friends and anything else you want in life.
Everyone knows that work is important, but you should always make time to spend with your family and a little personal time. Many people whilst making the best for their family forget that they should look after themselves. If you are not fit yourself how could you help others.This personal time could be an excellent opportunity to take up a physical hobby. It should be a time to do something that you like. Exercising is both physically and mentally good for your body. It helps to clear the mind and produce chemicals in your body that are essential and often lacking. Modern living involves greater working hours and less personal time. Inevitably this has led to less interactivity.
Goal setting is very important so that you can progress. Increasing the amount of exercise you do will only usually be beneficial or successful if you have a reason to do it. If you simply want to get fitter and stay healthy then set yourself an achievement. If you currently walk 1 mile a day then aim to walk 5 miles a day. When you are walking 5 miles a day, consider if there is any way you can improve this further.
Never forget that time with your family and friends is also essential. We are social animals by nature and so human interaction is not only natural but it is healthy and pleasurable. Taking up a sport with a friend or group of friends would combine exercise with interaction and be perfect. Your friends may turn out to be the extra motivation you require in the event of difficult times.

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