self improve also means to change your looks.
Looking younger and dynamic will improve the ways people think of you.
You will also feel more confident. Nowadays, both men and women want to figure
out how to look younger. It not only makes you feel good; it makes good career
sense too. Creating a youthful look can be a critical component of finding new
pursuits in the workplace. It is no secret that a good looking person is more
apt to succeed in life. Companies want and need your experience; they also want
to know you’re in touch with the times.
To Look Younger To Improve Career Options
is amazing is that every day there are older career seekers who beat out the
younger competition and land fabulous jobs. The difference: these older go-getters
think - and look - youthful.
I didn’t say they look young, rather they look youthful. Youthful as in
up-to-date, yet age appropriate. Keeping an aura of youth about you can add
years to your career, and thousands upon thousands of dollars to your income.
is important is that looking youthful doesn’t have to mean drastic measures
like cosmetic surgery. Small changes make a big impact. Check the list below
for some "how to look younger" tips that may improve your odds for
landing that ideal career or job you’ve been thinking about.
To Look Younger Tips For Men And Women
- Upgrade your wardrobe. From shoes, to shirts to the right pair of glasses, nothing dates you more than an out-of-date wardrobe. So start spending some money on these items.
- Change your hairstyle Look for someone who can provide a modern, but not too trendy, hairstyle. You want to look sharp, but not appear as if you’re trying to fit in to the college bars.
- Pay attention to your teeth. A good smile comes from good teeth. Whiten them. If necessary, consider veneers. A great smile and good teeth can take 10 years off your look, as well as help you appear credible and more trustworthy; important when you’re looking for a new career.
- Get fit. We will never stop talking about fitness. Fit is in. It’s sexy. It gives off an air of confidence and strength. The time you spend working out will pay off in both your professional and your personal life.
- Splurge on your skin. From face peels to
photo light treatments that reduce age spots and wrinkles, there are
plenty of treatments that can help your skin regain a more youthful
And a special note on Botox type treatments: one friend of mine was told by her manager that she always looked angry and so her colleagues were not reacting well to her. She started using Botox to treat the deep furrow between her eyebrows; the angry look instantly disappeared. That simple step changed the way she was perceived, and thus her level of success at work. - Don’t forget about the details: unkempt eyebrows, chest hair erupting out your collar, the wrong pair of eyeglasses, a worn out belt, or unkempt fingernails can all hinder your youthful, on-the-ball look. Take a long, objective look in the mirror - or ask a friend to assess your look for you. Then take steps to make sure the details, and your overall look, communicate the youthful, observant appearance that will help you take your career to the next level.
Facial exercise that uses isometric with
resistance movements, not contortions, twists, puckers or scrunches, will
systematically lift every area of your face and neck. The exercises will
refine, tone, contour and firm your face so that the younger face you thought
you had lost forever is returned to you.
Your facial muscles are attached to bone only on
one end in the hairline; the other end is attached to either another muscle or
directly into the skin. In order to successfully contract the muscle and muscle
groups, they must be anchored. Your thumbs and fingers are your anchors.
Facial exercises that use resistance and
contraction will begin to affect your face immediately – not only will you feel
the tightening and lifting occurring, you will see results right away. They
won’t be permanent results yet but when you are faithful to the program, you
will notice that your results last longer and longer.
Imagine creating a younger looking face using
just your thumbs and fingers and easy instructions.
It is no secret that Sags and bags make
your face look old and tired but exercise changes all that. Lifting, toning and
tightening restore sagging, droopy facial tissue in just minutes each day. Your
skin will smooth and you will look much improved – 5, 10, even 15 years

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